Sunday, December 7, 2008

Choose Life .. It's Beautiful!

Choose Life .. It's Beautiful!

I hope to live forever!

I know I will have to go one day. When the time comes.

Added to the myriad ways in which God can send my invitation. is a death at the hands of a terrorist.

As terrified citizens have been expressing their fears of such an end on television news channels, I have been thinking.

What happened in the last few days defies logic. Young men who should be enjoying the wonderful gift of life at its prime, instead choose to kill and maim innocent people who have done nothing to them directly.

Not exactly bravery!

Here I am going to court a bit of controversy and perhaps the ire of my friends and countrymen.

Their way of expressing their anger may be wrong but they are brave men alright!
They are not revolutionaries - no way - revolutionaries fight the armies of the enemy and not their innocent - but brave men nevertheless!

- These young men started off from home, knowing they are not going to return home.

- They knew they will face the might of one of the best armies in the world.

- They did what they did, under a belief and faith in God. However wrong and misplaced and misguided - yet implicit.

Compare that with the other terrorist - the rioter.

A few years back thousands of them roamed the Gujarat streets. A few years back they roamed the streets of Delhi and most of North India.

What is the motivation of these men who rob, rape and kill people of a community?

But first, a similarity between the fedayeen terrorist of Mumbai or 9/11 kind and these rioter terrorists - of the Ahmedabad or Delhi kind.

- They both blame an entire community, ethnicity, faith and country for wrong doing of a few individuals.

- They both find nothing wrong with punishing an entire community, and its softest, unguarded and innocent targets, to effect their revenge.

Here the similarity ends.

The rioters that roamed the streets of Ahmedabad or Delhi, were no brave men!

They were out to kill and not to give up their lives. They returned home from the business of looting, raping and murdering at the first sign of the security forces. They roamed the streets till they had a tacit approval of their leaders - Narendra Modi and Rajiv Gandhi respectively.

The rioters are not motivated by blinding love of their religion - unlike the fedayeen - or blinding hate of the other religion. They are motivated by the opportunity of robbing the properties; raping the women and generally giving vent to their failed and frustrated lives.

So, if I were to die at the hands of a terrorist, oh Lord, give me the bullet of the brave and misled fedayeen than the machete of the cold, calculating and cowardly rioter!

Better still, oh Lord, give them both a better sense, so that they and me die of ripe old age, having enjoyed Your beautiful creation - this life!

(Watch out for part -2, my views on brave and coward men and the media and politicians and Part - 3, what should be done other than prayer.)
Would love your views on my piece above. Do you think they were brave men?


Teekhi Mirchi said...

Hey sharad

Thank u for the comment on my blog :)
I will keep ur advice in mind ..

I havent been very regular on the blog lately.. need to change that :)
bookmarked urs now .. will come back late for a leisurely read..

Have a great evening !


Laura Harwood said...

Hi Sharad...

I wouldn't say brave is the word....the people who join terrorist organisations are, IMHO, people who don't have much in their lives, poor employment, no prospects, little motivation.
The organisation gives them a strong guiding principle to live their lives by. They feel their lives can mean something after all - they can stand up for a huge (and in their eyes, noble) cause.

Soon they will be swept up in it and recieve specific mental conditioning from which their is no reverse gear.

By the time their are required to give their life, they can see no viable alternative. They have burnt all their bridges.

However, having said that, I feel that the risk is of terrorism is hugely overplayed,especially by the US & UK goverments.

It is in their interest to keep us cowering so they can remove our rights and freedoms, one by one.

A frightened people will accept anything. CCTV, Naked body scanners, Extraordinary rendition, and eventually RFID chips implanted into the body (aka verichip - its already being done - google it) so they can be 'remotely controlled'. No buy, no trade, no life without it.
Misbehave or rebel and it gets turned off, and you don't exist.

Believe it. The new world order is on its way to becoming a reality.

Laura (goddessofxanadu)